«Here is my take on the Snow White Tale: Why any man in his right mind, upon finding a coffin with a miraculously well preserved corpse of a beautiful female inside, in a dark wooded area, would be so enchanted by it that he just has to kiss it? It’s rather disturbing if you think about it. There is only one logical explanation to this situation.
He is a Necrophiliac.
There are strong elements of violence present in the vast majority of original fairy tales. It intrigues me to look at a fairy tale from a different perspective and create a visual narrative interpreting the romanticized fable with the emphasis on its dark undertones.»
2 comentários:
muito bem visto.
faz um bocado de impressão pensar assim...
mas torna-se muito mais interessante, não?
nesta da branca de neve nunca me tinha lembrado, mas alguns contos de fadas sempre me arrepiaram.
hansel e gretel, por exemplo. "ah, e tal, não tenho dinheiro. gosto muito dos meus filhos, mas vou abandoná-los na floresta para morrerem à fome"?!
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